Welcome to PartyReptile.com

--- Basic Things to Know About This Website ---





ABOUT Party Reptile.com

PartyReptile.com is a website about “People Meeting People” who enjoy Good Partying, Good Drinking & Good Smiles!  If you want to watch the sport & people annoy you … you are not a true Party Reptile and staying home may be the best place for you.  If you want to interact with the people and “maybe” get a glimpse of the sport from time to time, then you are a Party Reptile and this is for you.

PartyReptile.com focuses on delivering a "quality" 999 annual pARTy Events, rather than a "quantity." PartyReptile.com is constantly updating the 999 events to insure the Top 999 events are represented based on our Basic Criteria.

Too many people claim they are "good at everything", but "not great at anything."  PartyReptile.com wants to be "great" at something - selecting the "best 999 Reasons NOT To Stay At Home."  PartyReptile.com wants to bring the pARTy Event to you AND provide you with enough information to go to the pARTy Event, should you so desire. 

If you like to pARTy, PartyReptile.com is for you.  If you want to watch hot air balloons, go to kid's events, or attend alcohol-free (not to be confused with FREE alcohol) events, PartyReptile.com just may NOT be your "mug of beer".


• When will the pARTy Event Database be completed?
• How long has Party Reptile been around?
• Where can I find pictures from the event on the web site?
• What is "Party Reptile"?
• What are the criteria for "pARTy Events" to be on the PartyReptile.com web site?
• What are the criteria for pARTy Places to be on the PartyReptile.com web site?
• When will the pARTy Event Database be completed?

The database of "pARTy Events" contains 999 pARTy Events currently, BUT is constantly being updated. The database is the heart of PartyReptile.com and as better annual pARTy Events are located, they replace pARTy Events that are not as good.

The ultimate (current) goal is to provide 999 annual pARTy Events that have a 3 Mug pARTy Rating or better ... Party Reptile does the research and you do the pARTy-ing.

• How long has Party Reptile been around?

The concept and plan has been in the works since 1993. The web site came on line in March, 2004. Expect lots of construction changes over the next several months (make that years).

• Where can I find pictures from the event on the web site?

Most pictures are placed in the "pARTy Pictures" section and some pictures may appear more than once. Other pictures are found in the "Run-A-Way Bill Travel Journal" along with comments and facts about the event. (NOTE: The Travel Journal has been suspended due to lack of man-hours available).

• What is "Party Reptile"?

"Party Reptile" is a media-type publication designed to inform the general public (the public that is over 21 years of age) of annual pARTy Events that occur throughout the world that fall under specific criteria.

• What are the criteria for "pARTy Events" to be on the PartyReptile.com web site?

#1 - Annual Event
#2 - Open To The General Public
#3 - Festive Beverages available
#4 - Have “Up-To-Date” Web Site Links
and most importantly
#5 – Party Reptile has To Know About The Event (duh!)

Criteria Specifics

• What are the criteria for pARTy Places to be on the PartyReptile.com web site?

A "pARTy Place" is defined as any place where you can give FUN the "opportunity" to find you ... and it will!

"If The Beer's-A-Flowin' ... We're-A-Goin'" is the basic guideline.  

This typically includes (but not limited to) "individual bars" (i.e., "Florabama" in Florida/Alabama), "bar zones" (i.e., Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisanna, Duval Street in Key West, Florida, "The Flats" in Cleveland, Ohio, etc.), or even "entire cities" (i.e., New Orleans, Louisianna; Tybee Island, Georgia; Buffalo, New York; etc.).
